Money Saving Tip: Reduce Vampire Power or Phantom Load
Have you ever wondered how your television set remembers the time of the day or how your coffee maker knows when it's time to brew coffee even when they are turned off? The simple answer to that question is that these appliances actually are still consuming electricity as long as they are plugged in. Which means that every minute that you leave them plugged results to a higher electricity bill. This is what is referred to as "Vampire Power" or "Phantom Load."
According to the Department of Energy, a typical modern household with a computer, TV, microwave oven with timer, automatic voltage regulators, extension cords with lamps, stereo component, and DVD will account for 30 watts per hour. If you leave these gadgets on for an average of 10 hours per day, this results to an additional consumption of 109.5 kilowatt-hours-per year which translates to an additional power bill of roughly around 1,100 pesos. And the cost increases the more appliances you have that are not mentioned above.
So don't leave your appliances plugged! Look out for appliances with timers, standby led indicators, and those that are capable of storing and remembering a lot of user settings. These are likely to be consuming vampire power even when just plugged in. And maybe you would want to turn off your computer and Wifi router/access point as well when nobody at home is using the internet.
A thousand pesos in savings yearly may not sound that much but we at Money Magnets believe that this money saving tip is important because you not only get to save money but more importantly you get to help save energy, given the looming power shortage in the country, and in the process help save Mother Earth as well. It's like hitting three birds with one stone! Save on Energy, Save Money, and Save the Earth as well.
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