8 Secrets of the Truly Rich (Bo Sanchez)
What the Rich Know that the Poor Don't Know
Bo Sanchez' 8 Secrets of the Truly Rich
I've never read a more interesting book! Not only does Bo explain how you can gain material wealth but also explain how you can be spiritually abundant at the same time. In Bo's world, Money and God coexists. One can have material wealth and still be in God's favor. I totally agree! Another thing I liked about the book is how he encouraged the readers to "have a bias for action". Some books would only improve your financial literacy, Bo's book not only accomplishes this but actually inspires you as well.
Secret no. 1. Be Totally Responsible for Your Success
Secret no. 2. Enlarge your Psychological Wallet
Secret no. 3. Get Rid of Crazy Religious Beliefs
Secret no. 4. Be Completely Committed to Your Dreams
Secret no. 5. Raise Your Financial I.Q.
Retirement Funds (Protect Yourself Adequately)
Secret no. 6. Ride Something to Wealth
Secret no. 7. Have a Bias for Action
Secret no. 8 Win in All Areas
Although I've discussed most of the topics in this blog, I still recommend that you get your own copy of the book. Bo Sanchez writes with such clarity and inspiration that will get you hooked. You can buy the book online here. You may also want to check out Bo's site (www.bosanchez.ph). (There's a free e-book up for grabs!)
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Wow. Thanks for doing a review of my book. You can get a chance to win a free seat on the upcoming "How TO Be Truly Rich" Seminar on November 13. Click here to learn more about the mechanics >> http://bit.ly/arNJbe
Wow! I can't believe it. Bo Sanchez actually visited my site! Thanks for the visit. I'll check out the mechanics and see if I can promote it as well.
Thanks again.
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