Money Summit and Wealth Expo Day 1
Hello Money Magnets! I know it has been a while since I've updated this blog. Sorry about that. I have been busy with my personal life for quite some time. But here's some good news! I attended the Money Summit and Wealth Expo organized by Learning Curve and I will try to write everything I've learned here on this blog. This expo is dubbed as the biggest wealth building and income opportunity conference and expo in the Philippines. Here are some highlights on Day 1.
Fast Fortune in Flipping Properties
Trace Trajano started the day off with Fast Fortune in Flipping Properties. He presented his guide on how to make a hundred thousand bucks in 10 days. Mainly he discussed using Extreme Marketing in Affiliate Real Estate Marketing to sell real estate properties and make thousands of pesos or dollars.
Get Rich Through Rent-To-Own-Properties
Mr. Trajano's presentation was followed by one of his now successful students, Ms. Eden April Alemania-Dayrit. Ms. Dayrit specializes on rent-to-own properties. She showed in her presentation how she was able to earn millions in passive income by following her 5 step process to real estate investing. The process she came up with was FIND, FUND, FIX, SELL, and PROFIT.
Mr. Trajano and Ms. Dayrit's presentations comprised the segment on investing in real estates.
Best-selling author, superstar sales performer, and top performer Dr. Rodolfo "Dr. Dups" de los Reyes took the stage after lunch to present his slides on "Secrets of Direct Sale Superstars." Hands down, this was the most funny, lively, and interesting presentation for day 1. It's no wonder why he was tasked to present after lunch. Dr. Dups never failed to keep the audiences' attention with his funny antics and superior delivery style. Best of all, he simplified direct selling into three key points: BELIEF, LISTENING, and STRATEGY.
Simple Stock Market Investing: The way to a richer life
Mr. Conrado Bate of Citiseconline came next with his spill on investing in the stock market. Basically, Mr. Bate talked about how discipline coupled with continuous long-term investing (cost-averaging) in the stock market can produce far better returns than any other investment vehicle in the market. He presented that over the years, the average return if you invested in the stock market was around 14% p.a.
Beat the Market with Foreign Stocks and Funds
Global Investor's Center's Malaya Laraya presented another invested vehicle called a managed fund. He specifically advocated for Global Managed funds which he said have more varied types and choices, better regulations, and a more liquid market compared to Local funds.
Telesales: How to make money selling over the phone
The next speaker was Mr. Butch Villamor, president of One Outsource Direct, a fully Filipino owned business process outsourcing company which started as a telemarketing company. Mr. Villamor emphasized how lucrative the outsourcing industry is and how the industry is still continuously growing. He also presented the possibility that starting your own business can be a valid investment in itself. It was nice to hear, first hand, the ins and outs of starting a business process outsourcing company, specifically a call center office.
Fast and Furious Profits in Forex Trading
Mark So, the Philippines' Forex guru and owner of Businessmaker Academy, had the advantage of speaking last and thus allowing him to present Forex trading as the better investing alternative among all the others presented. He did admit thought that forex trading is not for all - just like investing in the stock market. He said that it is very risky and that even among his students, only around 5% actually become successful with it. He emphasized that "experience" is key to winning in the forex market. Despite being risky, the market can be very profitable if done right. This makes me wanna try out forex trading.
If you find that the details here are a bit lacking, don't worry, I will be posting entries for each presentation with more details in the weeks to come. This is just a tasting on what happened on the first day of the Money Summit and Wealth Expo. I can't wait for day 2's session later today. (July 2, 2010) Honestly, the regular registration rate of 4,495 pesos can be a bit expensive but the wealth of information you'll get is priceless! I highly recommend the seminar for everyone, especially for students! Not only will they be presented with a multitude of alternatives, they also get to attend at a student rate of only 500 pesos per day!
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Until my next article, take care Money Magnets!

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